Trust – Authentic Personal Stories

by | Feb 28, 2024

Perception Matters_Blog, by Martin Evans

I recently commented on a LinkedIn post from a colleague.  She asked why we make such an effort to continue to use the same company we have used before for services, even though they might now be a distance from us?

I commented about #trust – we trust those we have developed a solid relationship with and it’s worth maintaining that relationship.

I’ve been reflecting on that.

I recently worked with a senior team on a Board development programme and Trust was a key theme we explored. Why should people trust those key leaders❓ How do they know they can trust them❓

A powerful way of doing that is through #storytelling. How have you got to do what you do and what gives you your motivations and values❓

With that senior team, they almost seemed to hide their key motivations. Perhaps seeing this as a weakness – a ‘don’t show vulnerability’ syndrome. However, when we explored their unique story; WoW….it was revelatory. Their colleagues had no idea about their authentic journey.

I have no doubt that their team did not know either but by letting go and telling their story, it enhances credibility – builds common ground and trust.

I was keen to make sure that the team I was working with understood that this was not about pulling up a sandbag for a bare all session but a conversation and relationship journey. Just don’t see it as a weakness to share something about your unique story.

Authentic storytelling…..relevant in #leadership and #business.

Sharing stories of successes, failures, and lessons learned also demonstrate transparency and integrity. My word how that is relevant currently.

TandemComms Ltd can help you with that journey.

And yes we do have a branded Tandem…that’s all part of our story.